Happy Fourth of July week everyone! This is a great week to show gratitude for the ones fighting to keep our country free, and to wholeheartedly celebrate the freedoms that we do get to enjoy in America. But did you know that business ownership can unlock even more autonomy in your lifestyle? Yes, branching out and diversifying is a risk, but the rewards are oh-so-sweet. Here are some of my favorite freedoms afforded by franchise ownership.

1 – Freedom of Schedule

This is a BIG one. So many people feel trapped by the typical “9-5” schedule. The burnout is real. The great thing about franchises is that they come in many different shapes, sizes, and time commitments! This means that you have the ultimate autonomy in your schedule. Are you fulfilled by purpose? Choose a franchise where you get to be hands on in something resembling a full-time schedule on your terms. Are you fulfilled by spending time outside of your business? Go with a “semi-absentee” or “manage-the-manager” style of business to keep those free days truly free. Never ask for vacation time again, because you rule your schedule as a business owner. 

2 – Freedom of Personnel

When you’re the boss, YOU get to hire who YOU want. You get to choose the best candidates for your business, and give back to your community with rewarding jobs while you’re at it! You’ll never get stuck being forced to work with that one colleague… you know the one… ever again, because you get to exercise choice in the hiring decisions. 

Integrity Franchise Group

3 – Freedom to Learn

Business ownership awards so many opportunities for learning and personal growth. Odds are, while working with your broker, you’ll already be learning about tons of different industries and options that you never could have dreamed of owning yourself. Once you make the leap into actually operating your new franchise, there will be so much support and education that goes into becoming the best owner you can be. Education is so rewarding, and entrepreneurship will galvanize you to learn about new topics. 

4 – Financial Freedom

So far we’ve covered flexibility in your schedule, the possibilities of creating jobs and hiring who you want, and the exciting learning opportunities that business ownership provides, but for most the FIRST perk they think about when deciding to look into business ownership is financial. If you’re seeking an independent pocketbook, you are not alone! Franchises are a great way to diversify and supplement your income because they are tried and true. These are business models that have held steady throughout the tumultuous first phases of development, and are now proven to have the potential for success. It’s my job to use every tool at my disposal in order to match you with the best business for your area and your leadership style in order to achieve all of that financial potential. 

5 – Freedom to Love Your Life

Let’s be brutally honest here for a moment: are you truly passionate about that “9-5”? If you are, kudos! However, I’m willing to bet that most of us are missing that extra spark of purpose in our lives, and business ownership can be one way to reignite that. For one, you ultimately get to choose what your lifestyle is going to look like, from the industries that interest you right down to the communities that you get to engage with. This offers the ultimate potential for a rewarding life chock full of independence and personal fulfillment.

Integrity Franchise Group 

Franchise ownership is a great way to take full advantage of the freedoms that we are celebrating this week. Just imagine yourself with full autonomy over your schedule and your decisions. No matter how great your working relationship is with your boss, you’re not truly free in those regards unless you ARE the boss. These are just a few of my favorite perks of being an entrepreneur, what are yours?