This is the most important question I will ask you in our first meeting, and the answer I get most often is, perhaps unsurprisingly, “I want to make more money”. This is a great start, but it won’t help me get to the core of why you’re interested in business ownership. Would you like to make more money so you can fund your freedom and travel? Would you like to send your kids to their first choice college? Another way to phrase this question is where do you see yourself in five years? Most of us imagine a better life for ourselves, where we never have to worry about how we are going to pay the electric bill next month, and dream of doing work that is spiritually or mentally fulfilling. Do you see yourself in a hands-on position, exploring creative problem solving everyday? Are you a philanthropist at heart who wants to work with people and create a positive impact in your community? Now we are approaching the heart of your “why” and this will help me find your perfect fit in a franchise. Now, let’s explore some of your options depending on your answer to this question. 

Integrity Franchise Group

If Your “Why” is to Positively Impact People in Your Community…

I work with hundreds of franchises in various industries, including those that offer services to people in need. Things like senior care, mobility management, and even crime scene cleanup are necessary services catering to people at a time in their life where they require guidance and comfort. If you notice a need in your community that isn’t being met, I most likely have a franchise that can help you fill that gap, from restaurants where families can get together for a meal, to convenient dog grooming. To view this “why” from a different angle, 2019 research shows that small companies create 1.5 million jobs annually and account for 64 percent of new jobs created in the U.S. every year. That’s a pretty big positive impact!

If Your “Why” is to Grow Your Income in a Safe and Guaranteed Manner…

There are a whole bunch of scary statistics out there, like a study in 2019 that confirmed that 50% of small enterprises fail in the first year, with 95% failing within their first 5 years in operation. Going the franchise route can be a way to almost guarantee that won’t happen to you, because most of the businesses I’ll show you have already passed those benchmarks and have an existing business plan that can act like a roadmap to success. Successful franchises have already proven their worth, however not every single franchise will be right for you and your community. That’s why I use powerful analytic tools to back up my choices for you with data, and I educate you on how to spot the red flags of a flashy business idea that may not work for you. 

Integrity Franchise Group


If Your “Why” is to Positively Impact the Planet…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I work with a LOT of franchises in a LOT of different Industries. That means that if you’re looking for a highly-polluting or energy-inefficient industry to disrupt, I’ve got your back. Let’s say you’ve worked in the retail sector for the last 10 years, and you’re fed up with the damaging role that fast fashion plays on our environment. I have exciting textile recycling opportunities for you, where you can make money and serve a huge role in reducing the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills. If you’ve ever gone through a carwash and lamented the amount of water that it takes to get that vehicle squeaky clean, worry no more! I work with a mobile waterless car wash franchise. Schedule a call with me to hear more about the franchises I work with that positively impact the planet, I’ve got dozens of great options. 

Here’s MY “Why”

I live to help people like you realize their dreams. I also love the excitement of a fast-paced and busy entrepreneurial lifestyle, and my job as a franchise broker allows me that scintillating experience. Lastly, I have a beautiful family, and I work hard to support them and to lead by example. I want to show my two children that hard work pays off, and opportunity is out there. I keep these “whys” front of mind when I’m helping you to discover your own and build the life that you want. Hopefully in the next five years we can meet again, both living our “whys” to the fullest.